Speshull Anounsmints!

Well hi everybuddy gess wut I have not wun but TWO speshull anounsmints today!

The furst anounsmint is that my loverly gurlfrend Daisy the Pink Pit Bull has hired me to be a judge fer her costoom contest!! Thats rite folks at last I am in a posishun of power wa ha ha ha!! So go over to Daisys blog and send her a pitcher or two.

I will warns you now tho that Mummy is sending in a pitcher of Dubby in his bee costoom and it is gonna be so adorabull that yer hed will eksplode and ranebows and kittys and butterflys will come out insted of branes!! Obveeusly I will not vote for that costoom because it would be a conflikt of intrest and also cause I dont like Dubby. But I thinks the other judges will find Dubby very hard to resist.

Here is Dubby at kyuteness level 5 wich is without the bee costoom so you kin imajine how awfully teribly kyute he is with it on.

Here is Dubby at kyuteness level 5 wich is without the bee costoom so you kin imajine how awfully teribly kyute he is with it on.

Now I am a very onest judge and I will not aksept bribes however if you want to send me sum bribes ennyways you can male them to–wut? Oh Mummy is giving me the evel eye so I thinks I better muv on to the nekst anounsmint.

The nekst anounsmint is fer my Mummy so it is more of a publik serviss anounsmint. If you remember a few days ago I sed that there wuz a speshull event coming up at the end of the munth that Mummy wuz working on. Well now I will tell you wut it is! It is

National Pit Bull Awareness Day 2009!

This guy is John Garcia.

This guy is John Garcia.

If you is gonna be neer Austin Teksus on October 24 and 25 then you is invited to come to Love-A-Bull’s Family Fun Weekend to selebrate National Pit Bull Awareness Day. They is gonna have lots of fun and games and prizes and also a very famus celebritee in the dawg wurld named John Garcia! You kin aparently find out more about this event here: www.love-a-bull.org

Mummy is gonna be there and be skware cause she is on the board and she is helping jest a bit to arange this event. And she will be volunteering for these days too!

Mummy sez if Dubby is not adopted yet then she is gonna bring Dubby, and if he is adopted then she will bring Star. I am very glad she is not gonna bring me cause I do NOT like leeving the howse much less to be in a big crowd with a zillion peeple and even much less to be in a big crowd with lots of other dawgs. No I will jest stay home and play with my Kong ball thanks you very much!!

So ennyways if you are in the area pleeze come say hi to Mummy!!

Did you say KONG BALL???

Did you say KONG BALL???

Wordless Wednesday: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde






I’m a Bee!

I am a bumbow bee!!

I am a bumbow bee!!


KaPOW! Muhammad Aw Wee is my idow!

(Invent your own caption.)

(Invent your own caption.)

Wordless Wednesday


Rainy Day Pakaje!!

Well today I getted a misterius pakaje in the male. But it did not stay misterius fer long! Mummy sed it is frum our loverly frend Princess the Pit Bull!

Dang its a big box!!

Dang its a big box!!

It wuz good timing cause today it wuz very very rainy outsides and we could not go out. Also SUMBUDDY has been eating up all our toys and treets so I wuz reely hoping mebbe there would be sumthang fun in this pakaje.

Eh? I fewt wike someone was bwaming me for somefing just now.

Eh? I fewt wike someone was bwaming me for somefing just now.

I wanted to open the boks but Mummy sed no Dozer let me do it this time cause I have a feeling you will be having enuff fun with the stuff insides the boks and I want to have a little fun myself. So I letted her open the boks.

Princess gived us this nice letter inside the boks. Holy moley I getted so eksited wile Mummy wuz reeding the letter cause obveeusly there wuz a ton of stuff in that boks!!


Well Princess is rite I have never had a bully stik before! Princess wuz very nice to send me a pitcher of her eating a bully stik so I would know how to do it. I sampulled the pitcher a little bit but Mummy sed I must lern by looking not by doing.

It duz not tayst like a bully stik...

It duz not tayst like a bully stik...

Mummy wuz gonna start showing me all the goodys in the boks but I jest could not pay atenshun. I smelled that bully stik!!! So she sed okay we could have the bully stiks.

But FURST she sawed these bandanas. Now let me tell you most of our bandanas are purty stoopid looking. But these wuz sum reel nice bandanas!! She sed bandanas furst then bully stiks so we sed okay okay.

Here is mine. It is bloo and I think it looks very manly. Also it sez woof wich is wut I do!

This is my Gee Cue shot!!

This is my Gee Cue shot!!

Princess piked out a very nice bandana fer Star and gess wut it is pink fer a gurl and it has stars fer Star! It sez Miss USA and I am shore that is cause she wins the Big Butt Contest every yeer.

Ah! I am a Lady.

Ah! I am a Lady.

THEN we getted to the bully stiks at last! And let me tell you that wuz the bestest thang I have ever eated in my hole life ever.

Ohhhhh yeaaaaaaaa

Ohhhhh yeaaaaaaaa

Star also abanduned her dignitee fer the bully stik.



Yeaaaaa sooo gooooood.....

Yeaaaaa sooo gooooood.....

Nom nom nom sure wish this whole thing would fit in my mouth nom nom nom

Nom nom nom sure wish this whole thing would fit in my mouth nom nom nom

So wile we wuz chowing down on these amazing bully stiks Mummy decided to let Dubby play with the thangs wut Princess getted fer him. Those thangs wuz a tye and a skweeky futball!

I am the wowld's cutest sawawyman!!

I am the wowld's cutest sawawyman!!

Blue sixty foaw hut hut hut!!!

Blue sixty foaw hut hut hut!!!

IMG_0333smallerIMG_0327smallerMummy taked this chance to make sum reely cute pitchers of that awful awful Dubby to go to his adopshun place so mebbe he will be adopted. Wut do you thinks of these pitchers?

There wuz still more in the boks as we finded out after coming back frum our bully stiks! There wuz this green aleen that is now the favrite toy fer Star and Dubby to tug on.

I wiw destwoy you!!

I wiw destwoy you!!

And there wuz tennis balls wut wuz sposed to be mint but they jest tasted like delishuss to me.

Throw it throw it throw it throw it!!!

Throw it throw it throw it throw it!!!

Star also liked the tennis balls very much. She made sum parts of one disapear!

Don't worry. You'll see the other half of it in about eight hours.

Don't worry. You'll see the other half of it in about eight hours.

Yes folks thats rite Star is aktually smiling in that pitcher!!! Aieee!!!!

And last but not leest there wuz my very furst ever Jolly Ball!


At furst I wuz reluktent to play with this cause everybuddy knows pink is fer gurls. But then I thinked I should prolly be a little more open minded so I played with it jest a little bit.


The end rezult wuz not wut I ekspected. It did not stay too round.

I jest played with it a little bit I sware!!

I jest played with it a little bit I sware!!

Mummy sez that Daddy will have to make it round agin and then only Star gets to play with it frum now on. See!! I knowed it. Pink reely IS fer gurls.

Well me and Star and Dubby all say THANKS YOU VERY MUCH PRINCESS fer sending us all these fun toys and the bully stiks. Also Mummy would likes to say THANKS YOU VERY MUCH PRINCESS too cause she is sooo happy that there wuz sumthang fer us to do on this icky rainy day!

Hire Arky

Well here at my howse we dawgs follows a strikt hire arky! Everybuddy knows I am the Top Dawg. (Eksept Mummy and Daddy of corse.)

Top Dawg wants sum food plz ok thx

Top Dawg wants sum food plz ok thx

That duznt stop the other dawgs frum trying to git on top sumhow tho.

Queen of the Dirt Pile

Queen of the Dirt Pile

Monarch assassination attempt fail.

Monarch assassination attempt fail.

We are not amused.

We are not amused.



Hey I am the Big Dawg here Star!!! Me not you and I--oh hey look theres my toy!! Throw it Mummy!!!!

Hey I am the Big Dawg here Star!!! Me not you and I--oh hey look theres my toy!! Throw it Mummy!!!!

Pffft. Please. I'm Top Dog 'round here.

Pffft. Please. I'm Top Dog 'round here.

The edges are a little steepew then I thowght... AIEEE!!!!

The edges are a little steepew then I thowght... AIEEE!!!!

NOW who's on top?!? Cute widdle Dubby, that's who!!

NOW who's on top?!? Cute widdle Dubby, dat's who!!

Pwease weave me up hewe. That big guy is using a woud machine!!

Pwease weave me up hewe untiw you are done using the vacuum.

New Kamra!!

Well Mummy has getted a new toy wich is a new kamra!

You mite be saying hey Dozer thats all fine and good but why does you even care bout that? Well I will tell you. It is cause new kamra meens lots of posing fer pitchers meens lots of treets!!! Thats rite folks New Kamra Day is a good day fer everybuddy here at Dozers howse!!

Here is a nice pitcher of me. I mite have had a little bit of drool on my chin frum thinking bout treets but you cannot see it unless you look very very close.


Mmmm yes gimme a milk bone pleeze.

Mummy taked a lot of pitchers of all us dawgs. Here is a pitcher of that awful baby dawg Dubby.



Sum peoples wuz asking Mummy hey why is Dubby named Dubby?? Well I will tell you why. Dubbys name is reely Doppelganger or as Mummy likes to say “dubble trubble.”

If you still dont get it jest look at this nekst pitcher.


We both see dead people...

Talk about creepy!!! Sumhow they have the same hipnotik stare.

Also Star and Dubby are always messing up these pitchers. Look how good I wuz being and look how bad they wuz being.

Hey Mummy ignore them okay. I will eat their treets for them!

Hey Mummy ignore them okay. I will eat their treets for them!

Yes folks that is dubble trubble all right. And tho I cannot seem to get Star off my hands without Mummys approval she sez I kin help her git rid of Dubby I meen find Dubby a nice new home!!

So pleeze fer the luv of everythang holey halp me git this awful I meen wunderful cute smart little Dubby a new home!!

Sleeper howd!!


You luv me more rite Mummy?

You still luv me more rite Mummy?

PS I have good news wich is that Mummy sez she will be out of werk in jest wun or two more days!! That meens more blogging fer me so see you soon okay!!

He’s Not So Bad

Hi everyone! It’s me, Star!

I’ve decided that the creature known as “Dubby” might possibly be a puppy after all. Therefore, I’ve deemed him worthy of playing with, and I even let him win… sometimes… as long as he doesn’t start humping on me, which is totally NOT PROPER.

To prove that we are getting along just fine, here is some video footage that was taken right around and underneath the Lady’s workspace, where she has been sitting like a lump for days and days making little marks on papers and talking to herself.

Of course, all this noise and merrymaking seems to have a negative effect on the Lady’s rather weak mind–she says she cannot concentrate when we are playing, and would we please shut up and shove off, so she can do her work.

I would play the world’s smallest violin for her, but alas, I lack an opposable thumb to make the gesture.

The Lady wishes to pass along her apologies for not letting myself or Dozer visit anyone’s blogs lately.

We have not been doing much at all for a while, and she blames it on her working two jobs. Yawn. I work two jobs all the time (agility class and… hmm… behaving myself) and you don’t hear me complaining!

Am Too A Baby Dawg

Well today stoopid Dubby is goned to a adopshun site. Mummy sez she is gonna go pick him up later todays.

I thinked mebbe I kin make Mummy fergit bout Dubby if I jest pretend like Dubbys crate is reely MY crate.

Hi there Mummy I am yer beluvved baby dawg Dozer!! Member me??

Hi there Mummy I am yer beluvved baby dawg Dozer!! Member me??

Okay mebbe the crate is a tiny bit small fer me. But jest a little bit.

I fits in it! I sware! Im a cute little baby dawg!!

I fits in it! I sware! Im a cute little baby dawg!!

Hmmm well mebbe its a little tite in here.

Hmmm well mebbe its a little tite in here.

Wut are you laffing at?

Wut are you laffing at?

Rock Star



I have a new owtfit. It says I am a wock staw!!


Weww, it says I am an awmost famous wock staw. I guess that means I need to pwactice!

Psst, hey Staw do you wanna be in my wock band?


Kid, keep chewing on my ear and you'll be seeing stars.

Kid, keep chewing on my ear and you'll be seeing stars.