Kyute Overlode!!

Well jest a warning before you git to the pitchers that these mite be waaaay too kyute fer sum viewers. If you are very sensitive to kyute pleeze leeve the blog now!! This post is so kyute it crashed my blog three times!!

Now seeing as how I am the judje for Most Kyute Costoom in Daisys Costoom Contest I feeled that I should reashure sum of you who mite be thinking hey Dozer you is nine yeers old! You is an old old dawg and you is grumpy and you does not even like other dawgs fer that matter. Wut makes you kwalified fer this very challenjing job??

Okay that is a very fare kweshun!

Furst I have been persunally certifyed kyute since I wuz a little baby dawg. Jest look at this evidense!

Baby dawg Dozer!!

Baby dawg Dozer!!

Oh so kyute baby dawg Dozer! With bonus Old Lady Dawg!

Oh so kyute baby dawg Dozer! With bonus Old Lady Dawg!

So kyute you jest wanna cuddle me!!

So kyute you jest wanna cuddle me!!

Even kyute in outer space ware no wun kin heer you say Awwww!!

Even kyute in outer space ware no wun kin heer you say Awwww!!

Sekund I am a very good judje of other dawgs kyuteness or lack thereuv!

Toy steeling bed hogging foster dawg Mack wuz not kyute.

Toy steeling bed hogging foster dawg Mack wuz not kyute.

Daddys luv steeling bed hogging foster dawg Puppy wuz not kyute.

Daddys luv steeling bed hogging foster dawg Puppy wuz not kyute.

Foster dawg Elvis wuz not kyute and no bow tye kin ever change that!

Foster dawg Elvis wuz not kyute and no bow tye kin ever change that!

Foster dawg Duke wuz jest plane uglee.

Foster dawg Duke wuz jest plane uglee.

Foster dawg Lucy aka Kween of Drool mite have bin a little kyute but that wuz all she had goin fer her.

Foster dawg Lucy aka Kween of Drool mite have bin a little kyute but that wuz all she had goin fer her.

And well we all knows Titan wuz the foster dawg frum Hell and I dont think kyute dawgs come frum Hell.

And well we all knows Titan wuz the foster dawg frum Hell and I dont think kyute dawgs come frum Hell.

Even I am not at my kyutest here. I look skary but reely I am jest sneezing!!

Even I am not at my kyutest here. I look skary but reely I am jest sneezing!!

Oh look its me and gosh I am sooo kyute!

Oh look its me rite after the sneeze and gosh I am sooo kyute!

And of corse theres the loverly Daisy plus sum Kongs! Very kyute!!

And of corse theres the loverly Daisy plus sum Kongs! Very kyute!!

Well hopefully that reshures sum peeple that I reely does know wut is kyute and wut is not!

I am shore there are still detraktors out there so I will proves myself a good judje of kyute wunce and fer all.


Pleeze view this pitcher on a empty stomak cause it is soooo sickeningly kyute you mite throwed up!!


19 Responses

  1. Feeling….sicky….so.much.cutieness!!!!

    Now dozer….some of those foster puppies are pretty darn cutesy…but not as cute as you fur sure!!!


  2. Well Dozer, I have to say that as a puppy you were very very cute. You are very adorable as a big dog too. Compared to my Quizz, well, you know that’s a tough call. But you rate right up with him.

    But the bunny? Okay, its cute too.

    Quizz’s Mom.

  3. too cute – but i have to say the foster doggie are kinda cute – but i notice no pics of star

    Woodrow – Sweetie – MJ

  4. I dunno Dozer, I think you just don’t like sharing your home with cute foster dogs. Don’t worry though your mom will always love you most because you are her boy! You are very cute as a puppy (even in outerspace!), but some of those little fosters are pretty darn cute too! That bunny was just overload!!


    P.S. Are you sure Duke isn’t cute? He looks almost exactly like you!!

  5. Wow Dozer. That’s A LOT of cuteness in one post. I think I need to go find something sour to even out my stomach. Especially that 3rd picture. It’s the cutest one in the whole post.

  6. Is that a real wabbit??

  7. Holy crap! That was a lot of cute in one dose. I feel faint.

    I liked the sneezing picture the best. Ah choo!


  8. Oh Dozer I fainted from Dozer cuteness overload!! Mom says “I got the Vapors”. Anyhow, you are VERY qualified to judge the cuteness category, after all you know who is cute (me!)

    Oh did you notice that you have a cute dudley nose when you were a cute puppy, just like me!!

  9. You haz too coote baebe pikshures. Mom faynted so I is tellin you how much she luv da baebe Dozer. Old Lady Dawg was beeeutiful too!
    You is gud juge for kyute kontest. No brybes tho kay?

  10. Oh Dozer…I don’t know how I’m going to recover from your post!!! 😆

    Hey – did you have blue eyes as a baby? Your eyes seem to be brown now!

    Honey the Great Dane

  11. My Momma told me that when she read this she laughed so hard that tears were rolling down her face. But I agree with you Dozer. Those dogs were not cute. Just like Reese is not cute!

  12. hello dozer its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow that is a lot of kyootness all rite!!! hay ummmm did ennywun ever tell yoo that dubby luks a littel bit like yoo wen yoo wer a puppy??? not that i am saying that mind yoo im just wundring if ennybuddy else has!!!!!!! ok bye

  13. You shore are rite, Dozer. There is a hole lot of kyute going on in this post. My mummy squeeled like a silly pig when she saw the kyute piktures of baby Dozer.

  14. Dozer did you know that as a baby dawg you looked a lot likes Dubby? You didn’t have the black dotty things but still.

    And the kyootness!!! we almost throweded up. Kyoot!

  15. Ooh! My eyesuz! Cannot be handling da kyootness!

    we be entering Daisy’s contest, but we have to wait fur da daddee to take piktures of us 2 and mommee togefur. Woo can go to arr bloggie to see wat we meenz.

    Gus and Waldo

  16. Wow Dozer! Those are sum cute doggees, even the wons you think are not so cute. The sap says Elvis is espeshally cute (and you too of corse).

    I hope you have lots of fun jugeing the costoom contest!

  17. Oh my gosh that last one is priceless hahahahaa. All the pics are adorable!!!! They make me want to find puppy pics of Spuds, you two looked a little alike in the face when u were a youngin’!

  18. Ohhhhh noooo that is way too much cuteness!!!! Puppy Dozer is still the cutest though! 🙂

    S and D

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