Happy Valintimes Day!

Well hi everybuddy its that very nice Day of Luv also nown as Valintimes Day! This is wen you is sposed to give flowers and chocolit to yer sweethart and tell them you luv them.

I have alreddy gived a big kissy to my Mummy. I did not give her flowers cause Daddy did that and I did not give her chocolit cause she has buyed plenty of chocolit fer herself not jest fer today but every time she goes to the store!

Daisy is my gurlfrend and I thinks her present will be late but in the meentimes here is a pitcher of sum flowers jest fer her! I hopes she will still be my gurlfrend this yeer and she will not find a yunger dawg!

Hey Daisy Happy Valintimes Day!!

I hopes everybuddy has a nice Valintimes Day with their sweethart or with their familys or even jest with their dawgs and or kittys!!

Hey Star does you have ennythang you want to add? Star??

Ummm okay I am not shore wut you guys is doin over there but dont let me git in yer way! Heheheh. No seeriusly stay away frum me.

The Day of Luv is Coming Up!

Well hi everybuddy its bin a wile sorry bout that but Mummy is still bizzy as a bee mmmm bees…

Sinse my full recuvuree frum surguree I am not playing too much but I git lots of sleep! Look here I am in my favrite chare! With my evel roommate who is like my shadow I cannot git rid of her.

Yes there arent too menny pitchers of me lately cause all I do is sleep sleep sleep and Mummy sez its cause I am an old dawg. Hey Mummy I am not old I am jest youthfully challenjed!!

Here is anuther pitcher of me looking goofy. Mummy kept saying treet treet treet over and over and that always makes me happy doesnt it make you happy too?!?!

Yes yes treet I heered you the furst time Mummy!

And lookit this other thang wut has happened recently. Mummy has LOOSED HER MIND I TELLS YA!!!

Its a rat... its a deer... OMG NO ITS A FOSTER DAWG ARRRGGH!!!!

Closeup of hideus uglee foster baby dawg

Yes jest wen I thinked thangs wuz going good Mummy bringed home ANUTHER mangey stinky uglee thang. This time it is a gurl baby dawg and at furst it wuz very sick and I was ok with that cause it jest sleeped all the time. But now it is feeling BETTER wich is BAD cause now all it wants to do is play play play. Me and Star are sposed to be reel nice to it but that is very hard wen it is eating all my toys up!

It is called Sweet Pea but I thinks its reel name is Evel Pea!!

Anyways Mummy sez that Day of Luv is coming up called Valintimes Day!! I am happy cause it makes me think of my gurlfrend Daisy and I am gonna git her a purty gift. I wunder wut I should git her?? Cause dawgs cannot eat choclet!

Hay Star who is you gonna give yer luv fer Valintimes Day?? Star??

WAHAHAHAAH!! Oh man Star git a room!!!