Happy Valintimes Day!

Well hi everybuddy its that very nice Day of Luv also nown as Valintimes Day! This is wen you is sposed to give flowers and chocolit to yer sweethart and tell them you luv them.

I have alreddy gived a big kissy to my Mummy. I did not give her flowers cause Daddy did that and I did not give her chocolit cause she has buyed plenty of chocolit fer herself not jest fer today but every time she goes to the store!

Daisy is my gurlfrend and I thinks her present will be late but in the meentimes here is a pitcher of sum flowers jest fer her! I hopes she will still be my gurlfrend this yeer and she will not find a yunger dawg!

Hey Daisy Happy Valintimes Day!!

I hopes everybuddy has a nice Valintimes Day with their sweethart or with their familys or even jest with their dawgs and or kittys!!

Hey Star does you have ennythang you want to add? Star??

Ummm okay I am not shore wut you guys is doin over there but dont let me git in yer way! Heheheh. No seeriusly stay away frum me.

13 Responses

  1. Oh Dozer! Your package came yesterday, and since I didn’t send you a Valentines package I did a whole post on my bloggy just for you! I loves my Dozer! Happy Valentines Day!

  2. Happy Valentines day!

  3. Happy Valentine’s day!!

    Lots of luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  4. Hey Dozer…is that your tail in the last picture???

  5. hello dozer its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy rudolf valentinos day hay wot is going on over their star and the noo girl hav gawn all lindsey lohan on us!!! ok bye

  6. Happy Valentine’s Day Dozer! We got us a foster dog, too. Don’t know much about it – mom’s keeping it in jail.

    Gus and Gracie

  7. Happy Valentine’s day, Dozer!! You are such a good boyfriend to Daisy, Dobby has been taking notes. And boy, it looks like Star is having a good V-Day, too…. yowza!

    ❤ S and D

  8. Dozer, you should teach a couple classes or do a couple blog posts on romance… you seem to be the king of it! You’re so sweet to your girlfriend!!


  9. Aww dozer ur so sweet! Ur girlfriend would never find a younger dawg and leave u ur too keeyyyooooote!

  10. I saw the pawesome pressies you got for Daisy! What a great Valentine you are!!

    Sure did get cold here since yesterday didn’t it???


  11. love the blog! what a great writer you are!!! you are always so nice about your mummy and daddy! I fear if my Ladies, okay not really – but definitely the Bubbas would let their evil ways get the best of them… they’re with you – NO MORE FOSTERS!!!

  12. Oh Dozer – that photo of you with the red roses is just GORGEOUS!!!! I think it should be on a card! 🙂

    Honey the Great Dane

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