Dinner Party

Well tonite me and Star wuz invited to a dinner party. This wuz a big suprise fer us! We dont usually git to eat at the tables.

Dinner party yeah!

Dinner party yeah!

The foodies wuz noodulls. I luv noodulls! I haf to admit I wuz a little unshore bout ettikit. But I followed the prinsipul rool of being polite wich is: Fore on the floor.

This reminds me of sum moovee bout dawgs and spagetti.

This reminds me of sum moovee bout dawgs and spagetti.

Star however made a fool of herself.

Hey that is not fore on the floor Star! Bad dawg!

Hey that is not fore on the floor Star! Bad dawg!

Ew gross I thinks she jest kissed Daddy.

Ew gross I thinks she jest kissed Daddy.

Fer sum reeson Mummy sawed us doing this and she sed oh I jest losed my apitite! Well grate that meens more fer us rite Daddy??