Super Duper Very Good Dawg

Well my Mummy left the house and forgetted that she leaved sum delishuss food on the short table. She wuz gone fer TWO hours.

But guess what. I wuz a Very Good Dawg and I did not eat that food!

It wuz a yummy English muffen and sum milk.

It wuz a yummy English muffen and sum milk.

I know it looks like it wuz eaten a bit and thats cause Mummy wuz eating it not me. Then she ranned off and forgitted about the food.

Now you may be saying well Dozer thats very Good but isnt Star a Good Dawg too cause she didnt eat the food ether.

And the anser to that is NO Star doesnt get any creddit here and this is why:

Star got leaved in her crate while Mummy wuz gone.

Star got leaved in her crate while Mummy wuz gone.

Ha ha ha!! I am the only Very Good Dawg in this house!!